"Buzzing the Prairie" Honey Bee Oil Painting, 20x20 inches
At a glance or a distance, you might miss the beauty of the prairie ecosystem. Nestled among the tallgrasses are native blooms like sunflowers and the Indian blanket flower. These flowers are wildly popular with pollinators like the honeybee. The industrious honeybees “Buzzing the Prairie” are honored as the state insect of both Kansas and Oklahoma.
An original oil painting, 20x20 inches, on gallery-wrapped canvas. The sides are painted to coordinate and enhance the painting.
This painting is unframed. If you would like my studio to help coordinate framing, we are happy to do that! Email sharon@sharonsudduthart.com.
The oil painting on canvas is built layer by layer until what you now see emerges — vibrant and complex. This piece is absolutely stunning.
It was created as a part of the “Celebrating Home” Collection. Learn more about this collection and the inspiration behind it HERE.
To purchase just add to cart. Any applicable taxes and shipping will be added at check out. Additional shipping costs or credits will be billed or refunded based on package size, weight, and shipping location. To pick up the artwork in my studio, enter “in studio pick-up only” at check out.
Most of all, thank you for supporting my work. Creating paintings and sending them to live in the homes and spaces of collectors is one of my greatest joys.
Truly, Sharon
At a glance or a distance, you might miss the beauty of the prairie ecosystem. Nestled among the tallgrasses are native blooms like sunflowers and the Indian blanket flower. These flowers are wildly popular with pollinators like the honeybee. The industrious honeybees “Buzzing the Prairie” are honored as the state insect of both Kansas and Oklahoma.
An original oil painting, 20x20 inches, on gallery-wrapped canvas. The sides are painted to coordinate and enhance the painting.
This painting is unframed. If you would like my studio to help coordinate framing, we are happy to do that! Email sharon@sharonsudduthart.com.
The oil painting on canvas is built layer by layer until what you now see emerges — vibrant and complex. This piece is absolutely stunning.
It was created as a part of the “Celebrating Home” Collection. Learn more about this collection and the inspiration behind it HERE.
To purchase just add to cart. Any applicable taxes and shipping will be added at check out. Additional shipping costs or credits will be billed or refunded based on package size, weight, and shipping location. To pick up the artwork in my studio, enter “in studio pick-up only” at check out.
Most of all, thank you for supporting my work. Creating paintings and sending them to live in the homes and spaces of collectors is one of my greatest joys.
Truly, Sharon
At a glance or a distance, you might miss the beauty of the prairie ecosystem. Nestled among the tallgrasses are native blooms like sunflowers and the Indian blanket flower. These flowers are wildly popular with pollinators like the honeybee. The industrious honeybees “Buzzing the Prairie” are honored as the state insect of both Kansas and Oklahoma.
An original oil painting, 20x20 inches, on gallery-wrapped canvas. The sides are painted to coordinate and enhance the painting.
This painting is unframed. If you would like my studio to help coordinate framing, we are happy to do that! Email sharon@sharonsudduthart.com.
The oil painting on canvas is built layer by layer until what you now see emerges — vibrant and complex. This piece is absolutely stunning.
It was created as a part of the “Celebrating Home” Collection. Learn more about this collection and the inspiration behind it HERE.
To purchase just add to cart. Any applicable taxes and shipping will be added at check out. Additional shipping costs or credits will be billed or refunded based on package size, weight, and shipping location. To pick up the artwork in my studio, enter “in studio pick-up only” at check out.
Most of all, thank you for supporting my work. Creating paintings and sending them to live in the homes and spaces of collectors is one of my greatest joys.
Truly, Sharon